Repatriating the Past: Filling the Holes in Egypt's History Left by Looting

Katie A. Paul (2016). Repatriating the Past: Filling the Holes in Egypt's History Left by Looting. Heritage Daily. 12 December.

Title Repatriating the Past: Filling the Holes in Egypt's History Left by Looting
Publication Date 12th Dec 2016
Source Heritage Daily
Country Egypt
Region Africa
Art type Antiquities
Subject Return
Comments "These artifacts being trafficked out of Egypt to be sold on the international antiquities market are not simply a few coins smuggled in the bags or pockets of individuals (although that happens too). These are large scale items which take immense effort and resources to move under the radar, often making their way through transit countries like Israel, Qatar, and the UAE, or to major market regions like the U.S., U.K., and Western Europe."