Locals obstruct temple rebuilding, demand participatio

Gyan P Neupane (2017). Locals obstruct temple rebuilding, demand participatio. My Republica. 25 January.

Title Locals obstruct temple rebuilding, demand participatio
Publication Date 25th Jan 2017
Source My Republica
Country Nepal
Region South and East Asia
Art type Architecture, Sacred Art
Subject Destruction, Preservation, Threat
Comments "Locals protested against the reconstruction work, accusing the Department of Archaeology (DoA) of keeping them in the dark about the work and excluding them from involvement in the reconstruction of the historic temple in their own locality."
Link http://www.myrepublica.com/news/13698
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20170125221017/http://www.myrepublica.com/news/13698