'Stolen' Dattatreya idol found in wardrobe inside the temple

My Republica (2016). 'Stolen' Dattatreya idol found in wardrobe inside the temple. My Republica. 5 December.

Title 'Stolen' Dattatreya idol found in wardrobe inside the temple
Publication Date 5th Dec 2016
Source My Republica
Country Nepal
Region South and East Asia
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments Of the 28 idols originally claimed to be stolen, it seems only 21 have actually been taken while the others seemed to be misplaced in a wardrobe. However, in Jumla, the priest and administration office is still suspected of involvement.
Link http://www.myrepublica.com/news/10459
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20161205090856/http://www.myrepublica.com/news/10459