48 artifact smugglers caught in police probe

Park Ming-Je (2016). 48 artifact smugglers caught in police probe. Korea JoongAng Daily. 10 November.

Title 48 artifact smugglers caught in police probe
Publication Date 10th Nov 2016
Source Korea JoongAng Daily
Country South Korea
Region South and East Asia
Art type Antiquities
Subject Arrest, Raid or Seizure
Comments As part of a four month investigation by the police, a network of actors in an antiquities smuggling ring has been arrested. It is claimed approximately 4,500 objects have been recovered.
Link http://mengnews.joins.com/view.aspx?aId=3025987
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20161110133653/http://mengnews.joins.com/view.aspx?aId=3025987