Why a Massachusetts museum selling its prized Norman Rockwell painting should worry art museums everywhere

Christopher Knight (2017). Why a Massachusetts museum selling its prized Norman Rockwell painting should worry art museums everywhere. Los Angeles Times. 23 August.

Title Why a Massachusetts museum selling its prized Norman Rockwell painting should worry art museums everywhere
Publication Date 23rd Aug 2017
Source Los Angeles Times
Country United States of America
Region Americas
Art type Art
Subject Market, Museums
Comments Deaccessioning "to raise as much as $60 million to fund future museum operations."
Link http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/la-et-cm-berkshire-museum-norman-rockwell-20170823-story.html
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20170830194157/http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/la-et-cm-berkshire-museum-norman-rockwell-20170823-story.html