'Blue Dog' art thief walks free after experts say drug overdose caused behavior

Della Hasselle (2016). 'Blue Dog' art thief walks free after experts say drug overdose caused behavior. The Advocate. 8 December.

Title 'Blue Dog' art thief walks free after experts say drug overdose caused behavior
Publication Date 8th Dec 2016
Source The Advocate
Country United States of America
Region Americas
Art type Art
Subject Charges, Theft
Comments The court declared the thief not guilty, as an over-prescription of Adderall led to a mental state of temporary insanity where he became obsessed with Rodrigue's artwork.
Link http://www.theadvocate.com/new_orleans/news/courts/article_2655060e-bd89-11e6-a248-4baf5aa89ed7.html
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20161209233220/http://www.theadvocate.com/new_orleans/news/courts/article_2655060e-bd89-11e6-a248-4baf5aa89ed7.html