Le fisc fait irruption dans l'affaire Bouvier

(Tax authorities intervene in the Bouvier affair)

Alexandre Haederli (2017). Le fisc fait irruption dans l'affaire Bouvier. Tribune de Genéve. 4 September.

Title Le fisc fait irruption dans l'affaire Bouvier
Title (translated) Tax authorities intervene in the Bouvier affair
Publication Date 4th Sep 2017
Source Tribune de Genéve
Country Switzerland
Region Europe
Art type Art
Subject Lawsuit
Comments Being sued for dodgy art dealing, the freeport fella is suspected of serious tax fraud.
Link https://www.tdg.ch/economie/fisc-reclame-165-millions-yves-bouvier/story/29175285
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20170915090651/https://www.tdg.ch/economie/fisc-reclame-165-millions-yves-bouvier/story/29175285