Roban una reliquia del siglo XVI del Museo de Arte Sacro y la entregan a la Policía Local

(Sixteenth century relic stolen from the Museum of Sacred Art and deliver to Local Police)

David Gonzalez (2016). Roban una reliquia del siglo XVI del Museo de Arte Sacro y la entregan a la Policía Local. El Correo. 29 November.

Title Roban una reliquia del siglo XVI del Museo de Arte Sacro y la entregan a la Policía Local
Title (translated) Sixteenth century relic stolen from the Museum of Sacred Art and deliver to Local Police
Publication Date 29th Nov 2016
Source El Correo
Country Spain
Region Europe
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft, Return
Comments A man returned an object stolen from the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art to local authorities after purchasing it from the suspected thief in a public plaza.