Buscan proteger vestigios históricos en Cerro Las Burras

(Looking to protect historic remains in Cerro Las Burras)

Norma Bernal (2017). Buscan proteger vestigios históricos en Cerro Las Burras. NTR. 25 June.

Title Buscan proteger vestigios históricos en Cerro Las Burras
Title (translated) Looking to protect historic remains in Cerro Las Burras
Publication Date 25th Jun 2017
Source NTR
Country Mexico
Region Americas
Art type Antiquities
Subject Destruction, Preservation, Threat
Comments Parts of the site have been destroyed by poaching stones.
Link http://ntrzacatecas.com/2017/06/25/buscan-proteger-vestigios-historicos-en-cerro-las-burras/comment-page-1/
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20170629085013/http://ntrzacatecas.com/2017/06/25/buscan-proteger-vestigios-historicos-en-cerro-las-burras/comment-page-1/