Source: Fusion

Chicago Artist Raised Funds for Michelle Obama Mural That He Straight Up Grifted

(United States of America)

David Boddiger (2017). Chicago Artist Raised Funds for Michelle Obama Mural That He Straight Up Grifted. Fusion. 22 April.

Can a trove of Native American ruins be saved from eBay and 'white people' ideology?

(United States of America)

Ari Phillips (2016). Can a trove of Native American ruins be saved from eBay and 'white people' ideology?. Fusion. 14 July.

A fierce battle over who created a new Snapchat filter is tearing this community of artists apart


Charles Pulliam-Moore (2016). A fierce battle over who created a new Snapchat filter is tearing this community of artists apart. Fusion. 4 May.

Meet the lonely online warriors leading the fight against looted art


Daniel Rivero (2015). Meet the lonely online warriors leading the fight against looted art. Fusion. 24 November.