'Weaponise your privilege': blocked Aboriginal Australian speaker addresses students by Skype

Louis Klee (2016). 'Weaponise your privilege': blocked Aboriginal Australian speaker addresses students by Skype. Varsity. 5 December.

Title 'Weaponise your privilege': blocked Aboriginal Australian speaker addresses students by Skype
Publication Date 5th Dec 2016
Source Varsity
Country United Kingdom, Australia
Region Europe, Oceania
Art type Other
Subject Other
Comments "Decolonisation then begins with the decolonisation of the self, the giving up of the conceit of what Teju Cole calls the White Savior Industrial Complex, in which one's concern is less with justice than a personal need for some 'big emotional experience that validates privilege.'"
Link http://www.varsity.co.uk/news/11530
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20161206054722/http://www.varsity.co.uk/news/11530