Kohinoor wasn't gifted but looted by British, say authors

IANS (2016). Kohinoor wasn't gifted but looted by British, say authors. The Economic Times. 11 December.

Title Kohinoor wasn't gifted but looted by British, say authors
Publication Date 11th Dec 2016
Source The Economic Times
Country India, United Kingdom
Region South and East Asia, Europe
Art type Fossils & Rocks
Subject Theft, Return
Comments "Dalrymple told IANS in an interview that the most famous diamond, now in the Tower of London, 'is a symbol of looting of colonial times'".
Link http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/kohinoor-wasnt-gifted-but-looted-by-british-say-authors/articleshow/55924288.cms
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